Thursday, June 7, 2012


 21: A Birthday Post
21 Things I'm looking forward to in my 21st year

1. Playing with the Mansfield University Marching Band in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, England!   (Which includes spending the first two nights of the trip in Paris and lots of sight seeing!!!)

(See that little red arrow...that's me!)

2. Continuing to buy only second hand clothing

3. ...and expanding this little blog to more than just thrifting.

4. Finishing up my undergrad course work (fingers crossed) and then going on to student teaching.

5. October will bring one year with my wonderful boyfriend, Nick.  I am so blessed to have him in my life.

(Nick and I at formal last year)

6. Completing my Senior Recital (already stressing!)

7. My little brother starts driving (ok maybe this is too scary...wasn't he just this old yesterday?)

8. Spending a week in the Outer Banks with my family

9. Another marching band season

10. Nick's birthday surprise (HINT: it includes three of his favorite things: fireworks, piano and nutella)

11. Learning how to make more delicious, yet healthy recipes

12. summer beach trips with friends

13. Finally getting to go out with all my 21+ friends and family

14. my beautiful sister's sophomore recital

15. Hopefully figure out what I want to do after college (or at least narrow down my options)

16.  Attending the ASTA (American String Teachers Association) national conference in Rhode Island (check out our chapter's blog here)

17. learning more music on the violin tuba.  (ok, maybe a little of both...I'm loving some of my recital music).

18. Rooming with Erica!

19. Barhopping in Mansfield...oh wait...

20. Born and Raised - John Mayer (so this happened before I turned 21...but I'm still soaking it up)

21. Weekend trips up to Mansfield for rehearsals


  1. Best of luck to both you and your sister on your recitals this coming year!!!! :)

    1. Thanks so much...I'm gonna need. My sister on the other hand is such a natural performer. I guess I'll just have to channel her for mine :)

  2. Lovely pictures dear!
    Thanks for the sweet comment on Treena Bean Blog.
    Thank you for the follow as well!

    Please also come and publicly follow my lifestyle blog True Blue Abbi(:

    -XO Abbigayle Rashae

    1. Thanks! Just checked out your other it!
