Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday's Letters

Linking up over at Adventures of Newlyweds today for Friday's Letters. Have a great weekend everybody :)

Dear Sophomore review, I don't care that it took me 5 times (or until my senior year) to pass the sight singing portion, I'm just glad to FINALLY have passed. There IS a light at the end of the tunnel that is the long hard road of getting a Music Ed degree.  Dear Boyfriend, Thank you for treating me to my favorite ice blended latte in celebration of passing my sophomore review. You're the best! Dear Mansfield University, Why does there have to be SO much construction on campus while students are here? Campus has turned into a maze and the construction noises are distracting in class.  Dear SAI recruitment week attenders, I hope you're enjoying learning more about Sigma Alpha Iota and meeting the sisters. I really believe in the purpose and ideals of this organization...check them out here.  Dear Sevenly, week to week, you consistently pick organizations and causes that tug at my heart strings. If I wasn't a poor college kid, I'd buy one of your lovely shirts every week. Dear Mark Stephen Bower Jr., I know that you were jealous of Devin for making it on the blog yesterday. Thank you for being an awesome Sousa section leader and not being afraid to show some skin in honor of section pride day. Dear weekend, THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE HERE.   



  1. Hey, congrats on passing your exam! That's so awesome! And that picture is adorable - is there anything better than ice-blended lattes?
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. you guys are so cute!

    new follower :)

    Have a happy Friday! Drop by and say hello!

  3. What a cute blog! Lovin' the guitar pic and especially the mention of John Mayer ; ) I'm a country gal myself, but there's always a little room for JM in my life!

    Have a lovely weekend, from your newest follower here!

    Come say hi!

  4. Congrats on passing your test! I'm with you.. I"m glad the weekend is here :)

  5. What a fab picture of you and your dude!

    Do you play guitar? (your pic up there) I play acoustic, and am also a loverrrrr <--- have to emphasize the r's) of music and rock to be exact! Glad I found your blog! I have to play catch up now!

    Steph xx
